The joys of food poisoning.

What happened?

On Saturday 29 August 2020, I ate something that did not agree with me at all.

I felt nautious on Sunday but, ascribed it to the weather and my current general lack of apetite.

However, by late Sunday afternoon, I was making regular trips to the pottie and not enjoying it one bit.

At approximately 21:00, I was feeling extremely weak, disorientated and tired. I experienced a burning pain in my muscles and constantly fell asleep. My visits to the bathroom, one without a bath, increased and at some point I just stayed there as I was not able to get myself to move quicly enough.

I don’t know what time it subsided but, in the early hours of Monday morning, it improved somewhat and I decided to go to work.

however, when I arrived at work, a new wave hit me real hard. I left for home just before 09:00 and repeated the same routine as the night before during the day up to about 22:00. Also, at 19:00, I received an alert that a delivery was due and I totally forgot about this delivery as it was a scheduled delivery. Laying in the bathroom, trying to manage this delivery whilst feeling that way I did, really sucked. Sorry, phone.

I crawled out of the bathroom at just after 22:00 I think it must have been and just layed there, unable to move further than the soothing cool tile floor of the passage. I got to my room and tried to fall asleep but, could not. Played some online games with regular intervals of visiting the bathroom.

Just when I thought that I was okay, a new involantary spasm would rock my body and pin me down to the table of mortality. I haven’t felt so crap since December, 2019.

I will be visiting the doctor today and hopefully get a super-easy remedy that will put me back into tiptop condition.

Thank you to the person who supported me and sorry that you had to hear the horrible sounds of a caveman being sick. I promise, I will make it up to you.

What is food poisoning?

Food poisoning is a food borne disease. Ingestion of food that contains a toxin, chemical or infectious agent (like a bacterium, virus, parasite, or prion) may cause adverse symptoms in the body. Those symptoms may be related only to the gastrointestinal tract causing vomiting or diarrhea or they may involve other organs such as the kidney, brain, or muscle.

Typically most foodborne diseases cause vomiting and diarrhea that tend to be short lived and resolve on their own, but dehydration and electrolyte abnormalities may develop.

The most common forborne illnesses each year are caused by:

  • Norovirus.
  • Campylobacter.
  • Clostridium perfringens.
  • Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Salmonella.

What are the signs and symptoms of food poisoning?

Food poisoning most commonly causes stomach cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea and unfortunately, I had all three.

This can cause significant amounts of fluid loss and diarrhea along with nausea and vomiting may make it difficult to replace lost fluid, leading to dehydration.

Who is at a higher risk of getting food poisoning?

Newborns, the elderly, and others with compromised immune systems are at higher risk of becoming ill with Listeria infections. Pregnant women are also at higher risk of contracting Listeria infections, and to avoid infections and to prevent giving the infection to the fetus.

Pregnant women are recommended to avoid these foods to reduce the risk of contracting a Listeria infections.

soft cheeses like brie, camembert, and blue (cream cheese is safe).???????

How long does food poisoning last?

Most cases of food poisoning last about 1 to 2 days and symptoms resolve on their own. If symptoms persist longer than that, the person should contact their health-care professional.

What are the most common infectious types and causes of food poisoning?

the most common causes food poisoning may be due to infections caused by

parasites, and
infrequently, prions.
More than 200 infectious causes exist. Sometimes it is not the bacteria that causes the problem, but rather the toxin that bacteria produce in the food before it is eaten. This is the case with Staphylococcal food poisoning and with botulism.

What causes food poisoning?

There are many causes of food poisoning. Sometimes they are classified by how quickly the symptoms begin after eating potentially contaminated food. Think of this as the incubation time from when food enters the body until symptoms begin.

What is the treatment for food poisoning?

Maintaining good hydration is the first priority when treating food poisoning. Hospitalization may be appropriate if the patient is dehydrated or if they have other underlying medical conditions that become unstable because of the fluid or electrolyte imbalance in their body.
Medications may be prescribed to help control nausea and vomiting.
Medications to decrease the frequency of diarrhea may be indicated, but if food poisoning is suspected, it is best to consult a health-care professional before taking OTC (over-the-counter) medications such as loperamide (Imodium), because it may cause increased problems for the patient.

Except for specific infections, antibiotics are not prescribed in the treatment of most food poisoning. Often, the health-care professional will decide upon their use based on multiple factors such as the intensity of the disease symptoms, the additional health factors of the patient, a serious response to infection (sepsis), and organ system compromise. For example, a pregnant woman suspected of having listeriosis will likely be treated with IV antibiotics because of the effect of the infection on the fetus.
Complications of certain types of food poisoning are best treated in consultation with infectious disease specialists (for example, HUS, TTP, bovine spongiform encephalopathy).

What natural and home remedies treat food poisoning?

The key to home care is being able to keep the person hydrated. Drinking a lot of water or a balanced electrolyte solution such as Gatorade or Pedialyte usually is adequate to replenish the body with fluids. A person can lose a significant amount of fluid with an episode of diarrhea and/or vomiting, and these fluids need to be replaced. People who show any signs of dehydration such as decreased urination, dizziness, or dry mucous membranes, especially in the young or elderly, should see a health-care professional.

What are the complications of food poisoning?

The first and most important complication of food poisoning is dehydration. Food poisoning can cause significant loss of body water and changes in the electrolyte levels in the blood.

If the affected individual has underlying medical conditions requiring medication, persistent vomiting may make it difficult to swallow and digest those medications.

Other complications of food poisoning are specific to the type of infection. Some are listed in the causes of food poisoning such as HUS, TTP, or encephalopathy.

Can you die from food poisoning?

Listeria is a type of bacteria that has caused the two most deadly outbreaks of food poisoning in United States history. In 1985, an outbreak in California was traced to eating a type of fresh cheese, and in 2011, Listeria food poisoning was traced to a cantaloupe farm and processing operation in Colorado.

In South Africa, a progressive increase in listeriosis cases was noted from mid-June 2017, heralding what was to become the world’s largest listeriosis outbreak. A total of 1060 cases were reported for the period January 1, 2017 to July 17, 2018. 260 People died from this outbreak.

Listeria most often is associated with

eating soft cheeses,
raw milk,
contaminated fruits,
contaminated vegetables,
contaminated poultry, and
contaminated meats.

When should you call the doctor for food poisoning?

With a clear fluid diet and rest, most infections resolve on their own within 24 hours. A health-care professional should be contacted if the vomiting and diarrhea are associated with one or more of the following symptoms:

blood in the stools,
signs of dehydration including lightheadedness when standing, weakness, decreased urination,
diarrhea that lasts longer than 72 hours, and/or
repeated vomiting that prevents drinking and rehydrating (replacing the fluids lost due to fever, diarrhea, and vomiting).

What is the prognosis of food poisoning?

Fortunately, most cases of food poisoning are self-limiting and resolve within a few hours to a few days and the affected individual returns to normal function.

Depending upon the cause of the infection, and the patient’s underlying medical condition, the infection may cause significant organ damage and even death.

Tips to prevent food poisoning
7 Food safety tips
Prevention of food borne illness begins at home with proper food preparation technique.

Foods should be cooked thoroughly. This especially applies to raw meat, eggs, and poultry. A meat thermometer can be used to measure the internal temperature of a meat dish.
Leftovers should be refrigerated immediately so bacteria and viruses do not have time to start growing.
Wash fruits and vegetables well before eating. This removes dirt, pesticides, chemicals, or other infectious agents used on, or exposed to, the foods in the fields or storage facilities.
Wash hands routinely before and after handling food to help prevent the spread of infection.
Thoroughly clean counters and other areas that are used to clean, prepare, and assemble foods. Cross contamination of food is common and can cause food poisonings. For example, a cutting board and knife used to cut raw chicken should be washed thoroughly before cutting up fruit and vegetables to prevent the spread of Salmonella.
In restaurants, meals are prepared by others. Health inspectors check restaurants routinely and their reports on sanitary practices are usually available online. Make certain the food ordered is thoroughly cooked, especially meats such as hamburger.
Pregnant women and people who have compromised immune systems, such as those undergoing chemotherapy or who are taking medication such as prednisone, should avoid eating soft cheeses like camembert, brie, blue, and feta because of the risk of contracting Listeria. Be very sure all fruits and vegetables are cleaned thoroughly prior to eating, no matter the source.

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